23-24 NOVEMBER 2024
Matt McIsaac and Mat Ransom
Watch This Space Landscapes Ltd
Matt McIsaac and Mat Ransom met while studying Landscape Design at Auckland’s Unitec in 2005. They soon became great friends and shared a common dream to establish a successful landscaping business.
In 2006, they were given the opportunity to exhibit their first display garden at the Ellerslie International Flower Show. As well as being the youngest Ellerslie designers, they came away with a bronze medal and the overall People’s Choice Award. With such prestigious awards attached to their names the “Matts” decided to launch their own design and construction company, Watch This Space Landscapes Ltd, which they have run successfully in Auckland for the past five years.
As well as winning numerous top awards from the Ellerslie Flower Show, North Shore Home and Garden Show and the Auckland Flower Show, they have worked throughout the North Island and have designed and constructed gardens in the United States, Canada and Australia.
“Our primary objective is to create gardens that move beyond the traditional trappings of landscape design, yet provide a functional, inspiring space that our clients want to relax and enjoy themselves in.”
Mat Ransom 021 171 2222 or Matt McIsaac 0274 656 401