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23-24 NOVEMBER 2024


Mt Eden

2013 Garden 10 - Mt Eden


Design Brief

The brief involved developing a large family garden for an historic home on the steep slopes of Mt Eden. Trish had been working on this garden with the family since 2000, creating an overall plan at that stage, then focusing on developing various areas within the garden every few years. This has been a very satisfying process as it has kept Trish involved in the ongoing maintenance while attacking major developments along the way. The garden is still evolving and growing with the family.

Its design takes into account and reflects the clients’ two key aims to have traditional, classical elements with soft and flowing forms but with some hard edged, surprising elements that combine to make the garden a satisfying journey for all the family.

The next stage is to develop terraced vegetable gardens on the western bank – an exciting and challenging project, like everything on the site.


Second Nature
Ph 09 524 6672

Photography by

Sophie Leuschke