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23-24 NOVEMBER 2024

2017 Garden 2 - Mission Bay


Mission Bay


Design Brief

The owners of this elevated garden wanted to create more space for their children to play and kick a ball. Existing garden architecture was beginning to fail and so a major reconfiguration of the outdoor spaces was proposed. By relocating the swimming pool and using large scale retaining to expand the useable space, the functional outdoor area has been dramatically increased.

The new garden aesthetic is clean and simple, as it was vitally important not to compromise the remarkable views of Bastion Point and the Hauraki Gulf. References to these coastal cliffs and golden sands have been introduced via the stonework and paving selections. Planting (some salvaged from the original garden) varies across the site, from coastal natives to exotic flowering shrubs and perennials.

The result is an open, sweeping sense of spaciousness providing the owners with exceptional views, both near and far, plenty of places to relax and enjoy company, while their children and pet dog can romp with friends and family in plain sight to their hearts’ desire.

Documentation and Consenting

Brett MacLennan - Topia Garden Design
0277 884 496


Second Nature
09 524 6672


Frontier Pools
09 295 0989