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23-24 NOVEMBER 2024

2019 Garden 14 - Mt Eden


Mt Eden


Design Brief

The design of this garden has a duality to it. The exterior speaks to the streetscape and the architecture both new and old. An eclectic blend of flowers and natives acknowledge both the historical landscape and the colonial imprint. Patterns in the pavings draw angles from the architecture to gently slip through the planting. The rear of the garden unravels from the courtyard to gently contour and flow over the natural levels of the lava extending to views of the maunga.

It is a gardeners garden rich in native plantings, productive trees and seasonal colour, as well as a vegetable garden made from stone that came out of the site during the build. This garden is a gentle touch working to blur boundaries to create private but expanding views to the beyond.


Xanthe White Design &
Ash Berendt


Ash Berendt
022 1308 156