23-24 NOVEMBER 2024
Alex Luiten
Landscape and Ecology
Alexander is an experienced Landscape Architect and Designer, having worked extensively throughout Aotearoa New Zealand on projects encompassing the landscape, ecological, and creative fields.
After graduating from Elam school of Fine arts in 2011, Alex spent three years working for Suzanne Turley Landscapes on all aspects of high-end residential design as well as developing an artist practice that saw exhibitions in Auckland and Hamilton.
In 2016 Alex started Landscape and Ecology Ltd. A research studio focused on bridging the gap between an ecological understanding and landscape architecture and design. Significant projects Alex has been involved in include large scale wetland remediation, management and design and sensitive land development in Northland in collaboration with DOC and NRC.
Alex's role involves assessment and research surrounding the ecological potential of numerous projects, including building in a more complex and thorough understanding of ecological principles and how they can be interwoven throughout the design process, that is sensitive to the bioregion of the project.