23-24 NOVEMBER 2024

Marg Thompson
Behind the Garden Wall
Marg Thompson, of Behind the Garden Wall, has been designing, implementing and maintaining gardens after two years at UNITEC in the late 1980s. Gardening was always a passion so when she heard about the landscape design course it was a natural progression. From small beginnings she now has a great team who help plant and maintain gardens in the Auckland area. With over 20 years experience, she has made it her business to listen to the wishes of her clients and create individual gardens that delight and inspire. Marg has travelled to other countries visiting inspirational gardens to enhance her creative ideas. In 2011 the Chaumont-sur-Loire Garden Festival was an outstanding event with its theme of happy bio-diversity. She has also attended Landscape Design conferences in Auckland and Melbourne to be inspired and meet likeminded designers. Marg says, "I am a creative person and I feel privileged to be able to work doing something that as well as giving me great pleasure, brings pleasure to so many other people".