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23-24 NOVEMBER 2024

2013 Garden 11 - Mt Eden


Mount Eden


Design Brief

The garden was created to form around the property’s natural contours using stone from the site to anchor the slope. In the front the planting is all native and more austere, with native groundcovers flowing down the bank over the rocks as water would.

Plants include flowering natives such as geranium, hibiscus and linum that create unexpected moments of softness during the year. The back garden contrasts strongly to this with lush plantings of subtropical exotics and natives. Once again rock is used to create places to sit and to retain slopes. The pool’s moat is planted in papyrus to create a lagoon effect that contrasts well with the dark paving and pool surface. The informal natural plantings are intended to create a strong contrast and bring to life the crisp, controlled form of the architecture. The vegetable gardens by the back stables are designed to complement this old building and to reflect the area’s history.


Xanthe White Design Ltd in collaboration with the client.