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23-24 NOVEMBER 2024

2022 Garden 16 - Remuera




Design Brief

Owner Melanie Hollingsworth has lived in this mid-century home for 35 years but in 2014 commenced to enlarge and upgrade the house in the style of modernist architect Richard Neutra with the help of Robin O'Donnell Architects. 

She enlisted designer Geoffrey Marshall at an early stage of the rebuilding and together they initially redesigned the hard landscaping. 

Once the construction was finished a series of planting developments took place over several years. The owner has worked as an architectural interior designer and has very strong feelings about colour and form. 

This has led to an intense and very fruitful dialogue between owner and designer over colour, plant selection, and placement. Using some existing features including a woodland copse, a stream crossed by the drive, existing stone walls and a stand of giant bamboo to anchor the new gardens, a richly detailed series of gardens using a range of colour themes have evolved to ensure year-round interest. This is a garden-lover's garden.

Design: Geoffrey Marshall and Melanie Hollingsworth


 Paul Naylor, Garden Transformations